mercredi 15 octobre 2014

The Temple of Debod is one of the great treasures of Madrid

The Temple of Debod is one of the great treasures of Madrid. It is located west of the Plaza of Spain, next to Park West.

The temple, originally from ancient Egypt and 2,200 years old, was a gift from Egypt to Spain for your help in saving the temples of Nubia. Thanks to international aid Egypt managed to save, among others, the Temple of Abu Simbel temple that would otherwise have been buried in the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Debod Temple was inaugurated on July 20, 1972 after two years of reconstruction. It was a complicated process because, besides not having good plans, in dismantling and transporting some stones were lost.

During the first decades of the temple in Madrid was not all due care and even the area was deemed unsafe. Currently, the council is doing everything possible to achieve better conservation of the temple and enhance security of Mountain Park.

Visit the Temple of Debod
The temple is surrounded by gardens and many people fail the place for picnics. Our favorite time to visit the Temple of Debod is at sunset, when the light is more beautiful and can take longer to see it lit.

Get the inside the temple, despite not being as well preserved as the temples of Egypt, it's free and worth it, especially if you have not visited Egypt. Inside there is enough information society and Egyptian mythology and hieroglyphics explanations.

The temple has two floors, on the top you will find a very interesting model which will see the temples represented all that was in Nubia. Do not miss it.

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