mercredi 15 octobre 2014

The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) is one of the oldest towers in the world

The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) is one of the oldest towers in the world. From its top one of the best views of Istanbul is obtained.

The Galata Tower was first built in wood in 528 to serve as a beacon. In 1348 it was rebuilt by the Genoese Tower with the name of Christ.

During the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the tower was occupied by Sultan Mehmet II.

Its height of only 61 meters, is not what catches the attention of your measurements. What is surprising is the diameter and width of the walls.

The diameter of the tower at the base is 16.5 meters outdoors and 8.9 meters inside. This difference indicates that the walls have a width 3.7 meters to the base.

The width of the walls decreases as you ascend to the top, reaching up to just 20 inches at the top.

our opinion
You up to the Galata Tower will have the best views of Istanbul. If you want to get to her making a historic trip, you can climb up nearby Tünel funicular taking from the Galata Bridge.

If you want to enjoy a special night in the Galata Tower Dinner shows, open bar and dancing are held. The price is about 65 euros.

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