mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Istanbul Archaeology Museum

The Istanbul Archaeological Museum is one of the most important in its field. It was founded by the painter and Turkish archaeologist Osman Hamdi in 1891.

The origins of the museum date back to a small collection of antiquities was installed in 1846 in the Topkapi Palace. In 1869 it became the Museum of the court.

In 1891, the Archaeological Museum opened becoming the first Turkish museum. It is located between the first courtyard of the Topkapi Palace and Gülhane Park.

The museum collection is divided into three parts:

Archaeological Museum: It houses some world-known objects. The most important of the museum is the large collection of sarcophagi, among which there is the Sarcophagus of Alexander (S. IV).
Collection of Oriental Art: In this part you will find Ottoman graves and findings of the Egyptian, Sumerian and Akkadian. The most valuable objects from the collection of Oriental art are the parts of the Babylonian Ishtar Gate.
Ceramics and jewelry collection: This collection is housed in the Pavilion of the Blue Jays, a building that Mehmed II ordered the building. There are very few rooms and perhaps most interesting is the building itself.
our opinion
With its large collection of sarcophagi and enormous collection of objects, the Archaeological Museum is a delight for lovers of antiques. The Alexander Sarcophagus and Sarcophagus of Meleager are awesome.

Had to put a negative to the museum this would be his condition, some rooms of the museum seem forgotten and have a pretty gloomy. The top floors of the Archaeological Museums are not as interesting as the rest of the museum.

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