mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Taksim square

Considered the heart of modern Istanbul, Taksim Square (Taksim Meydani) is located on the European side of the city in a major shopping, tourist and entertainment district known for its restaurants, shops and hotels.

Taksim square
TaksimTaksim Square, Istiklal Caddesi
Istiklal Caddesi, Independence Avenue
Due to the great importance of the square in the city, is a favorite for holding public events and social celebrations, but is also known as the starting point of different political demonstrations that repeatedly ended violently.

Taksim past
The name of the square, Taksim means "distribution" in Turkish, and was given because it was the place where the water supply of the city was centralized from 1732 to the early twentieth century the place consisted extreme north of the city but with the expansion of this became the heart of the new Istanbul.

Currently Taksim
Taksim Square is full of bars, restaurants and some of the most luxurious hotels in the city. In the square stands the Monument to retain Waterboy and the Monument to the Republic.

In the square there is one of the main shopping streets of the city, Istiklal Caddesi (Independence Avenue), a pleasant pedestrian street that can be traveled using the nostalgic tram, which goes to the Tünel funicular station.

The Galata Bridge (Galata Koprusu)

The Galata Bridge (Galata Koprusu) is a bascule bridge 490 meters long and is located on the estuary known as the Golden Horn, connecting the old Istanbul with the most modern area.

Galata Bridge
Fishermen on GálataRestaurantes Bridge Galata Bridge
Restaurants Galata Bridge
The Galata Bridge not only connects different areas of the city, but also a symbolic bridge capable of uniting different cultures.

Bridges and more bridges
The first bridge over the mouth of the Golden Horn was built in 1845 Several years later, in 1863, the arrival of Napoleon III resulted it was replaced by a wooden bridge. After this two bridges were built in 1875 and 1912, and in 1992 was created the bridge that can be seen today.

The bridge today
At present in the lower level of Galata Bridge there are several restaurants and cafes in addition to taste the freshest fish and other Turkish dishes, is pleasant to contemplate the comings and goings of the ferries while patients fishermen sell their catch to restaurants.

Besides being an important part of the urban landscape of Istanbul, Galata Bridge occupies a large space in the myths and legends and also at the heart of Turkish citizens.

Dolmabahçe Palace

The Dolmabahçe Palace Topkapi Palace replaced as the residence of the sultans from 1856 to 1924, when the Caliphate was abolished. The style of the palace is a combination of Western Baroque and Neoclassical styles, Rococo mixed with traditional Ottoman style.

Dolmabahçe Palace
Dolmabahçe Palace DolmabahçePalacio, gardens
Home Garden DolmabahçeSoldados Dolmabahce Palace in
Soldiers at Dolmabahçe Palace
The Dolmabahçe Palace was built between 1843 and 1856 by order of Sultan Abdülmecid. Its construction involved four architects of the Royal Department of Architecture of the Ottoman Empire.

With a facade of 600 meters and an area of 15,000 square meters, the Dolmabahçe Palace is the country's largest building. It has 285 rooms, 43 rooms, 68 bathrooms and 6 Turkish baths.

In 1984 the palace was converted into a museum.

Visiting the Dolmabahce Palace
The tour has four parts: Selamlik, Harem, and Clock Museum Glass Pavilion. The most important parts are the first two:

This part, which houses administrative offices and officers lounges, is the most striking part of the whole palace. The most notable parts are the Crystal Staircase and the Throne Room. This last room, its size (2000 square meters and 36 meters high) and elegance (56 columns and lamp palace largest spider), is totally overwhelming.

the Harem
The Harem comprises the private quarters of the Sultan and his family. This part of the palace is less interesting than before and the visit lasts less time.

To visit the Harem Selamlik and must be done in groups. Although the tours are only in English and Turkish, there are brochures in other languages ​​(including Castilian) to follow directions.

our opinion
While Dolmabahçe Palace has some rooms that will leave you with your mouth open, his Western cut, the relative remoteness and that you can only go on tour cause you to lose points. We recommend only visit if you have time to spare, a stay of two or three days there are better things to do.

If you decide to visit the palace do it as soon as possible, as the morning progresses and reaches more people, groups can be extremely large and the visit is heavy.

The Church of St. Savior in Chora (Kariye Müzesi)

The Church of St. Savior in Chora (Kariye Müzesi) is one of the best examples of Byzantine art that can be found in the world. It was built between 1316 and 1321 according to plans by Teodoro Metoquines.

St. Savior in Chora
St. Savior in Chora Chorasan mosaic
Mosaic in St. Saviour in Chora
The most spectacular of the church are frescoes and Byzantine mosaics, as they are considered the best preserved in the world.

Curiously, Chora means "out of town" and that the church was built on the outside of the walls of ancient Byzantium.

The Ottoman period
Like St. Sophia, after the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire, St. Saviour in Chora was converted into Mosque. In 1948 he began its restoration and ten years later it was opened to the public as a museum.

During the time that served as a mosque frescoes were covered with plaster, a detail that could help in their conservation.

our opinion
While its mosaics and frescoes are stunning, its relative distance (the streetcar or subway) and high price make the visit, although many people the indispensable catalog, we have doubts about recommending it to the general public . If you like Byzantine art, St. Saviour in Chora you will love.

The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) is one of the oldest towers in the world

The Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi) is one of the oldest towers in the world. From its top one of the best views of Istanbul is obtained.

The Galata Tower was first built in wood in 528 to serve as a beacon. In 1348 it was rebuilt by the Genoese Tower with the name of Christ.

During the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the tower was occupied by Sultan Mehmet II.

Its height of only 61 meters, is not what catches the attention of your measurements. What is surprising is the diameter and width of the walls.

The diameter of the tower at the base is 16.5 meters outdoors and 8.9 meters inside. This difference indicates that the walls have a width 3.7 meters to the base.

The width of the walls decreases as you ascend to the top, reaching up to just 20 inches at the top.

our opinion
You up to the Galata Tower will have the best views of Istanbul. If you want to get to her making a historic trip, you can climb up nearby Tünel funicular taking from the Galata Bridge.

If you want to enjoy a special night in the Galata Tower Dinner shows, open bar and dancing are held. The price is about 65 euros.

The Basilica Cistern is one of many tanks are in Istanbul

The Basilica Cistern is one of many tanks are in Istanbul. Cisterns are tanks that were built for the city to have water reserves in case of being attacked. Another name (much more attractive) in the tank is called "Sunken Palace".

The Basilica Cistern was built under Justinian I (527-565) to supply the Byzantine Palace. The site (which is named) was the underground basilica of which nothing remains today.

To fill the tank to the aqueducts of Valente (still existing) and Adriano was resorted. These aqueducts were receiving water from Belgrade Forest, about 20 miles from Constantinople.

Basilica cistern
Basilica Cistern BasílicaCisterna, Medusa
One head of Medusa Cistern
Inside the tank
The Yerebatan Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici his name in Turkish) has dimensions of 140 by 70 meters and an estimated could store about 100,000 m3 of water.

The Basilica Cistern is 336 columns 9 meters high. The styles of the columns are varied, as they were reused from old structures and monuments.

The tourist strip is by walkways that go over water. These gateways were placed in the late twentieth century, as was done before the boat ride.

Medusa heads
Among the 336 columns of the Basilica there are two that are based on a head of Medusa, the mythological be turned to stone who looked.

There are various theories about meaning those big heads inside the tank, but the most accepted theory is that they put there for practical purposes, to be used as base of the columns.

our opinion
The Basilica Cistern is a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling Istanbul: the dim light, the background music and the freshness emanating from the water make it a must visit.

The Topkapi Palace is the best reflection of the imperial era in Istanbul

The Topkapi Palace is the best reflection of the imperial era in Istanbul and symbolizes the power that reached Constantinople as the seat of the Ottoman Empire. From this palace sultans governed their empire until the mid-nineteenth century.

The construction of the Topkapi Palace began shortly after Mehmed II took Constantinople. The original palace was inaugurated in 1465 During the following decades, the palace was extended by different rulers.

In 1856, Sultan Abdulmecid decided to move his residence to Dolmabahçe Palace, a palace of Western court.

Distribution of Topkapi Palace
In its 700,000 square meters, the Topkapi Palace has four buildings and multiple courtyards inside: weapons room, kitchen, royal stables, treasure and many more.

On premises (inside its walls) is the Archaeological Museum and other buildings of interest.

the Treasury
Among the many parties that has the castle, one of the most important is the Treasury.

The Treasury has some of the most valuable objects in the world, such as spoon-diamond (a diamond of 88 carats belonged to Ramolino Letizia, mother of Napoleon) or Topkapi dagger (the world's most expensive weapon, built in gold emeralds embedded).

the Harem
The Harem was the place where lay the Sultan, his family and a group of between 500 and 800 women of high cultural level trained in certain skills. The Queen Mother was the ultimate responsibility of the Harem.

To access the Harem you must purchase a separate entrance.

our opinion
The Topkapi Palace is a must-see in Istanbul. We recommend going early and visit the former Treasury and the Harem, since they are the places where most people throng as the morning progresses.

The Blue Mosque is the largest mosque in Istanbul

The Blue Mosque is the largest mosque in Istanbul. His name is Sultanahmet Camii in Turkish, Sultan Ahmed Mosque, as it was built by Sultan Ahmed I between 1609 and 1616 was inaugurated in the year 1617 during the reign of Mustafa I.

Although at first glance seems to have similar dimensions to Hagia Sophia, seeing the actual measurements we see that is about half. The central dome is 23 meters in diameter and 43 meters high.

The Blue Mosque has six minarets which, at the time of its construction, caused much controversy, as Mecca also had six. Subsequently, to appease the faithful in Mecca a seventh minaret was built to make a difference.

Upon entering the Blue Mosque understood why his name more than 20,000 blue tiles adorning the dome and the top of the mosque. All tiles were removed from the city of Iznik (Nicea).

The lighting of the mosque comes from its 200 stained glass and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

To enter the Blue Mosque, as in all other mosques in the city, you will have to wear appropriate clothing and descalzaros before entering. Women should wear covered shoulders and hair. If you have nothing to Taparos in the post I will leave everything that you may need to enter.

During the hours of worship mosque is closed to tourism.

Museum of Turkish and Islamic

The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts is one of the most important museums of Istanbul is located in one of the most historic buildings, the Palace of Ibrahim Pasa.

The palace was built when Ibrahim Pasa, vizier of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, he married the daughter of this. Since the murder of Ibrahim Pasa in 1536 (he was accused of treason), the building has been used for various purposes.

In 1983 and after ruling out other buildings, the palace was chosen to house the museum. Its location next to the Hippodrome and the Blue Mosque is enviable.

The museum's collection consists of more than 40,000 objects from various categories: carpets, ceramics, sculptures, sarcophagi and even different versions of the Koran and lecterns for reading. One of the items that caught our attention was the Gate of the Great Mosque of Cizre.

In addition to the collection of objects in the museum there is a small and interesting ethnological section where you can see recreations of daily life in different geographical and temporal points of Turkey.

our opinion
If you have already visited the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art contains a variety of objects, if you like museums, you will leave satisfied. Furthermore, ethnology section are taken care of.

In the courtyard of the museum you will find a terrace with fantastic views of the Blue Mosque. Definitely a perfect place for tea.

Istanbul Archaeology Museum

The Istanbul Archaeological Museum is one of the most important in its field. It was founded by the painter and Turkish archaeologist Osman Hamdi in 1891.

The origins of the museum date back to a small collection of antiquities was installed in 1846 in the Topkapi Palace. In 1869 it became the Museum of the court.

In 1891, the Archaeological Museum opened becoming the first Turkish museum. It is located between the first courtyard of the Topkapi Palace and Gülhane Park.

The museum collection is divided into three parts:

Archaeological Museum: It houses some world-known objects. The most important of the museum is the large collection of sarcophagi, among which there is the Sarcophagus of Alexander (S. IV).
Collection of Oriental Art: In this part you will find Ottoman graves and findings of the Egyptian, Sumerian and Akkadian. The most valuable objects from the collection of Oriental art are the parts of the Babylonian Ishtar Gate.
Ceramics and jewelry collection: This collection is housed in the Pavilion of the Blue Jays, a building that Mehmed II ordered the building. There are very few rooms and perhaps most interesting is the building itself.
our opinion
With its large collection of sarcophagi and enormous collection of objects, the Archaeological Museum is a delight for lovers of antiques. The Alexander Sarcophagus and Sarcophagus of Meleager are awesome.

Had to put a negative to the museum this would be his condition, some rooms of the museum seem forgotten and have a pretty gloomy. The top floors of the Archaeological Museums are not as interesting as the rest of the museum.

Where to stay in Buenos Aires

As a popular tourist destination that is Buenos Aires has plenty of hotels, inns and holiday apartments for all tastes. The high average quality of accommodation makes the prices are at the level of some European cities.

Best Places to sleep
walking Palermo
walking Palermo
Although Buenos Aires is a sprawling city and taking public transportation will need to visit, there are several highly recommended to stay areas and common mistakes to avoid.

Our favorite sleeping areas are Recoleta, Palermo and Puerto Madero. These three areas, relatively modern, are the safest in the city, and have restaurants and street scene late into the night.

Among the less desirable areas would be La Boca (dangerous at night), Microcenter (mainly office area) and San Telmo (some areas of the district give a sense of insecurity).

Hotels in Buenos Aires
The price of hotels in Buenos Aires is not as low as you might think, and to find double rooms in hotels with good reputation, you need to spend more or less as in Spain, at least € 60 per night. Budget hotels offer double rooms for about 40 €, and luxury chains such as Hilton or Sofitel exceed € 180 per night.

To find the best deals, we recommend booking as early as possible in the web where you will find deals up to 70% and the clause of minimum guaranteed price for each hotel.

Hotels in Buenos Aires
Another site for booking in Buenos Aires and around the world is Reservaria. If you seek something special, you can also keep an eye on Charming Hotels.

Boutique hotels in Buenos Aires
Apartments in Buenos Aires
The holiday apartments are becoming increasingly fashionable and many people begin to prefer to stay in apartments rather than hotels, especially for longer stays. On the website you will find apartments Cheap apartments worldwide with guaranteed lowest price.

Cheap Apartments in Buenos Aires
Hostels in Buenos Aires
In Buenos Aires there are many hostels where groups and single travelers will find beds for 6 € per night

Istanbul has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets

Istanbul has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets, and although prices have risen rapidly in recent years, it is still possible to find good deals for sightseeing.

Best Places to sleep in Istanbul
Taksim Square SultanahmetPlaza
Taksim square
The tourist area of ​​Istanbul is not very wide and any hotel near the historic center will leave you satisfied. If you can choose our favorite area is Sultanahmet Square (home to the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque). The hotels in this area are quite small (about 20 rooms) and some quite a familiar atmosphere.

Other popular sleeping areas would be the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and the Spice Bazaar (Eminönü). These areas are very close to Sultanahmet and have much room.

Another option is chosen by many travelers stay in the new area. Near Taksim Square is where the big hotels in the main chains.

Hotels in Istanbul
Although, as stated earlier, the prices of hotels in Istanbul have soared in recent years, this does not mean they are expensive but have been adapted to the European average. You can find double rooms in downtown hotels from € 50 night. Increasing find some budget category hotels.

You booking., Conseguiréis amazing discounts and you will not have to pay anything when booking, and payment is made ​​at the hotel.

Hotels in Istanbul
If you do not have a very limited budget and want to make your stay an experience in itself, cast an eye to the selection of web Charming Hotels.

Boutique hotels in Istanbul
Recommended hotels
Although not married to anyone, many people asked what our favorite hotels. The range of 90 € per night would choose the following:

Rast Hotel - An enviable location and magnificent views of Hagia Sophia.
Maywood Hotel - Built in 2009 is considered one of the best in the city. Very central.
Amira Istanbul Hotel - Ottoman XIXth century house converted into a hotel. It is located a few meters from the Blue Mosque.
If you want to give a luxury and can spendest between 150 and 200 € per night, we leave a few hotels that you will feel like a sultan:

Witt Istanbul Suites - Chosen by Sunday Times Travel as one of the world's finest hotels will not disappoint anyone. Spacious room and great views. It is located in the modern area.
Tomtom Suites - offers 20 suites with jacuzzi and is located next to the street Istiklal Caddesi, the busiest street in the city.
Hotel Sapphire - While it lacks the charm of the previous two, many people have told us well in this hotel. The advantage, its location in the historic center.
Apartments in Istanbul
The holiday apartments are becoming increasingly fashionable and many people begin to prefer staying in an apartment instead of a hotel. On the website you will find apartments Cheap apartments worldwide with guaranteed lowest price.

Cheap Apartments in Istanbul
Bed & Breakfasts and Inns
The cheapest hostels in Istanbul start at € 10 per bed. If you are a group of friends you will find high quality hostels.

Four towers represent the most modern and futuristic part of Madrid

Four towers represent the most modern and futuristic part of Madrid. Construction began in 2004 and was inaugurated in late 2008 and early 2009 the official name of the complex is Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA).

The towers are where was located the old Real Madrid Sports City. Currently the area has open spaces, gardens and fountains.

The four towers are the four tallest skyscrapers in Spain today. One by one:

Torre Caja Madrid
Caja Madrid Tower is the tallest building in Spain with 250 meters high. Besides being the tallest skyscraper in the four, the work of Norman Foster is the building has a stunning architecture.

Although originally going to be the new headquarters of Repsol, this impressive skyscraper was acquired by Caja Madrid in 2007.

PwC Tower
The PwC Tower is the only one of the four towers built by Spanish architects: Carlos Rubio Carvajal and Enrique Álvarez-Sala Walter. It has a height of 236 meters.

This tower is one of the most luxurious hotels in Madrid, Eurostars Madrid Tower. The hotel is to the 31st floor, taking the top two floors a luxury panoramic restaurant.

Crystal Tower
Built by the same architect as the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, César Pelli, the Crystal Tower is the second highest of the four towers 249 feet high.

Torre Espacio
With over 230 feet tall and 57 floors Tower is a building space to house offices of major companies and various embassies.

The Temple of Debod is one of the great treasures of Madrid

The Temple of Debod is one of the great treasures of Madrid. It is located west of the Plaza of Spain, next to Park West.

The temple, originally from ancient Egypt and 2,200 years old, was a gift from Egypt to Spain for your help in saving the temples of Nubia. Thanks to international aid Egypt managed to save, among others, the Temple of Abu Simbel temple that would otherwise have been buried in the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Debod Temple was inaugurated on July 20, 1972 after two years of reconstruction. It was a complicated process because, besides not having good plans, in dismantling and transporting some stones were lost.

During the first decades of the temple in Madrid was not all due care and even the area was deemed unsafe. Currently, the council is doing everything possible to achieve better conservation of the temple and enhance security of Mountain Park.

Visit the Temple of Debod
The temple is surrounded by gardens and many people fail the place for picnics. Our favorite time to visit the Temple of Debod is at sunset, when the light is more beautiful and can take longer to see it lit.

Get the inside the temple, despite not being as well preserved as the temples of Egypt, it's free and worth it, especially if you have not visited Egypt. Inside there is enough information society and Egyptian mythology and hieroglyphics explanations.

The temple has two floors, on the top you will find a very interesting model which will see the temples represented all that was in Nubia. Do not miss it.

The Almudena Cathedral in Madrid

The Almudena Cathedral is the most important religious building in Madrid. The June 15, 2003 day was consecrated by Pope John Paul II became the first cathedral consecrated outside Rome.

Construction of the cathedral began on April 4, 1883 when King Alfonso XII laid the foundation stone. The project promoter and architect Francisco de Cubas.

The interior of La Almudena surprises have completely different details to other cathedrals: the roof and the windows left out the classic style to give way to the bright colors and straight lines.

the museum
The Museo de la Almudena Cathedral gathers dozens of objects that tell the history of the diocese of Madrid. In the twelve rooms that comprise the museum will see from mosaics to episcopal shield and ornament.

Although the museum is small, the visit is more interesting than it might seem at first.

Climb the dome
Unlike cathedrals like Notre Dame, the climb to the dome of La Almudena is neither spectacular nor the views are especially good. Up only recommend if you want to see the museum, as the entrance is combined.

The construction of the Royal Palace

The Royal Palace of Madrid is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family. Today the palace is used exclusively for receptions, ceremonies and official events as the kings of Spain residing in the Zarzuela Palace. The Royal Palace also called Palacio de Oriente.

The construction of the Royal Palace began in 1738 and works lasted for seventeen years. Shortly after its completion, in 1764, Carlos III established his habitual residence. The location of the palace was the same as that occupied the Hapsburgs Palace, destroyed by fire on Christmas Eve 1734.

The East Palace is surrounded by the gardens of Campo del Moro and the Sabatini Gardens. The first, west, dating from the Middle Ages; the latter were created in the twentieth century and in the north. Campo del Moro can be visited during the day.
Change of Guard
The changing of the guard from the Royal Palace of Madrid is held every Wednesday from October to July at 11am. It can be canceled by official acts or adverse weather conditions.

Visit the Royal Palace
The Royal Palace offers both free and guided tours throughout the year, closing only for official acts.

The typical visit includes entry to:

Official Meetings: Grandiose, well kept and stylish, each room has its own personality. The throne room left us impressed.
Royal Armouries: Armor, shields and weapons of all kinds are one of the most important collections in the world.
Real Pharmacy: Hundreds of boats of various shapes and sizes that will make us go back in time. The best, the recreation of the laboratory.

The Fountain of Neptune

The Fountain of Neptune is a beautiful neoclassical monument carved in white marble located in the Plaza de Canovas del Castillo, colloquially called Plaza de Neptuno. It is surrounded by magnificent buildings built between the XVIII and XIX centuries.

On the large circular fountain pylon is a huge sculpture of Neptune, god of the seas, who holds a trident while riding on a chariot drawn by two horses with fish tails.

Less well known but of great beauty
Fountain of Neptune
Fountain of Neptune
Designed as part of the three major groups of sculptures created by Ventura Rodríguez for the Paseo del Prado (along with the Cibeles Fountain and the Apollo Fountain), the Neptune Fountain was built between 1780 and 1784.

Location celebrations
Like the Cibeles Fountain is a landmark for fans of Real Madrid, the Fountain of Neptune it is for the fans of Atletico Madrid, and this is where the "mattress" celebrate all victories.

Plaza de Cibeles

Located in the city center, at the intersection of the Paseo del Prado and Calle Alcala, Plaza de Cibeles is one of the most representative areas of Madrid. The square is dominated by a beautiful fountain and flanked by impressive and representative buildings constructed between the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries.

La Fuente de Cibeles
Cibeles Fountain
Cibeles Fountain CibelesPlaza
Plaza de Cibeles
Designed by the architect Ventura Rodríguez in 1782, the fountain depicts the goddess Cybele on a chariot drawn by lions. In the beginning, the source did the job of supplying water to the locals. In 1895 it was moved to the center of ple square and went on to become a decorative element.

Besides being one of the most representative monuments of Madrid, Cibeles Fountain is longtime venue of the victories of Real Madrid. It is also the venue for other sporting events such as the Spanish National Team football and basketball.

Buildings surrounding the square
Communications Palace: The majestic building of the Palace of Communications is one of the most representative of the historic Madrid. Opened in 1919, the building served as headquarters Mail until recently was renovated to house the City. From the viewpoint and the restaurant at the top great views of downtown are obtained.
Buenavista Palace: Built in 1777 as the residence of the Dukes of Alba, now the palace surrounded by a wooded area is home to the Army Headquarters.
Bank of Spain: Opened in 1891, the headquarters of the Bank of Spain has an imposing exterior poorly decorated and a beautiful interior decorated with an excellent collection of paintings including works by Goya, Mengs, and Vicente López Maella.
Linares Palace: Built in 1900 under the orders of Marquis of Linares, years later it was restored to become the home of America, an institution that aims to promote cultural relations between Spain and Latin American countries.

Where to stay in Madrid

As a major tourist and business center, Madrid has accommodation of all types and for all budgets, from the humblest to the top hotels pensions.

The price / quality ratio hotel in Madrid is much better than other European capitals like Paris, London or Amsterdam.

Best Places to sleep
Hotels and accommodation in Madrid
Gran Via is one of the areas with more hotels
From the tourist point of view, for us the best places to stay is the downtown district, from where you can easily walk to any point of interest.

If you want to refine the search, you can search for hotels close to Puerta del Sol and Gran Via. Notwithstanding any hotel near a metro station is a convenient option.

If the purpose of the trip is a conference or event, you can search for hotels near IFEMA, the Palacio de Congresos and Barajas Airport.

Hotels in Madrid
Madrid The hotel infrastructure is probably one of the best in the world, Madrid has more than 50,000 hotel rooms of which 50% are 4 and 5 stars.

To get the best price try the search and will obtain discounts of up to 75%. The minimum price is guaranteed and payment is made directly to the hotel.

Where to stay in Miami

Miami is not a cheap destination but offers many possibilities when it comes to stay. If you search the hotel in advance you can get a bargain in the best areas of the city.

The best places to sleep
Ocean Drive
Ocean Drive
When choosing where to stay in Miami we have no doubt, the best places to sleep in Miami's South Beach; there, immersed in the special Art Deco district will enjoy the true essence of Miami, the most popular beaches and the life of the always lively Ocean Drive.

One thing you have to keep in mind when looking hotel is that it has parking (remember the importance of hiring a car). Street parking in Miami Beach is not easy or cheap, regardless of time and day.

Hotels in Miami
If you reserve the hotel early enough you can find a double room in the area of South Beach from 60 euros a night. You must keep in mind that the prices are usually not including taxes and are of the order of 15%.

To save the time of booking do not miss provides the guaranteed minimum price and you will not have to pay to the hotel.

Where to stay in Barcelona

From the Olympic Games in 1992 and the tourism boom of recent years, Barcelona has a huge range of hotels that continues to increase. In Barcelona you will find from pensions and cheap hotels to large luxury hotels with all comforts and amenities.

Best Places to sleep in Barcelona
If you travel to Barcelona for tourism, we do recommend to find hotels in the Eixample, the Gothic Quarter and Plaza Catalunya. If we had to refine the recommendation, the Paseo de Gracia would be our preferred option.

If you want to use the trip to go to the beach, book a hotel near the Barceloneta will allow you to toggle tourism and beach without using public transportation. The Olympic Port, a little further away, is another interesting option, especially if you seek nightlife.

Areas to avoid are prefer El Raval and Las Ramblas as though for the day are the most tourist places of Barcelona, ​​at nightfall the environment becomes a bit seedy.

Hotels in Barcelona

The price of a double room in a single central Barcelona hotel starts at € 50 per night. Increasing the budget a bit you can find well located and rated hotels. If you have a more carefree pocket you will find 5 star hotels for just over € 100 a night.

If you want the very best deals, in you can get discounts of up to 75%. The minimum price is guaranteed and payment is made directly to the hotel.

Near Santiago and mesmerizing landscapes

Near Santiago and mesmerizing landscapes, the central area is a perfect destination for you to take you a break. Get out of the routine and knows the supply side trips that we have prepared for you:

Travel to the "navel of the world" and marvel at the unique beauty of Rapa Nui.
Wrap yourself in the aromas of the wine in Colchagua and Santa Cruz.
Meet our benefits in tourism, so you can give these days so necessary to the peace with family and friends.

Shuttle bus from exclusive Caja Los Andes - Colchagua Valley - Caja Los Andes.

02 nights accommodation at Hotel Santa Cruz Plaza with breakfast included.

02 lunches and 01 dinner type menu at Hotel Santa Cruz.

Visit Santa Cruz Museum.

Viña Santa Cruz and visit Cerro Shaman Cableway.

Guide and Travel Assistance Coordinator.